Content Helpers
๐ง work in progress
Context construction
generates the context content from a slice of documents:content.GenerateContextFromDocs(docs []string) string
Read and Write files
content.ReadTextFile(path string) (string, error)
content.WriteTextFile(path, content string) error
Parsing path
searches for files with a specific extension in the given root directory and its subdirectories:content.FindFiles(dirPath string, ext string) ([]string, error)
- Returns:
- []string: A slice of file paths that match the given extension.
- error: An error if the search encounters any issues.
iterates over all files with a specific extension in a directory and its subdirectories:content.ForEachFile(dirPath string, ext string, callback func(string) error) ([]string, error)
- Returns:
- []string: A slice of file paths that match the given extension.
- error: An error if the search encounters any issues.
searches for files with a specific extension in the given directory and its subdirectories:content.GetArrayOfContentFiles(dirPath string, ext string) ([]string, error)
searches for files with a specific extension in the given directory and its subdirectories:content.GetMapOfContentFiles(dirPath string, ext string) (map[string]string, error)
String interpolation
content.InterpolateString(str string, vars interface{}) (string, error)
๐ you will find a complete example in:
Estimate the number of tokens in a text
content.CountTokens(text string) int
content.CountTokensAdvanced(text string) int
content.EstimateGPTTokens(text string) int
this could be useful to estimate the value of
๐ you will find a complete example in: