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CLI Helpers

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These helpers provide methods to parse and use command-line arguments and flags.


Settings parses command-line arguments and flags.

It skips the program name and processes the remaining arguments. Arguments that start with "--" are considered flags, and the function checks if the next argument is a value for the flag. If so, it pairs the flag with its value; otherwise, it pairs the flag with an empty string. Arguments that do not start with "--" are considered positional arguments.

Returns two slices: one containing the positional arguments and the other containing the flags with their respective values.


// default values
ollamaUrl := "http://localhost:11434"
chatModel := "llama3.1:8b"
embeddingsModel := "bge-m3:latest"

args, flags := cli.Settings()

if cli.HasFlag("url", flags) {
    ollamaUrl = cli.FlagValue("url", flags)

if cli.HasFlag("chat-model", flags) {
    chatModel = cli.FlagValue("chat-model", flags)

if cli.HasFlag("embeddings-model", flags) {
    embeddingsModel = cli.FlagValue("embeddings-model", flags)

switch cmd := cli.ArgsTail(args); cmd[0] {
case "create-embeddings":
case "chat":
    fmt.Println("Unknown command:", cmd[0])


FlagValue retrieves the value of a flag by its name from a slice of Flag structs. If the flag is not found, it returns an empty string.

Parameters: - name: The name of the flag to search for. - flags: A slice of Flag structs to search within.

Returns: The value of the flag if found, otherwise an empty string.


HasArg checks if an argument with the specified name exists in the provided slice of arguments.

Parameters: - name: The name of the argument to search for. - args: A slice of Arg structures to search within.

Returns: - bool: True if an argument with the specified name is found, otherwise false.


HasFlag checks if a flag with the specified name exists in the provided slice of flags.

Parameters: - name: The name of the flag to search for. - flags: A slice of Flag objects to search within.

Returns: - bool: True if a flag with the specified name is found, otherwise false.


ArgsTail extracts the names from a slice of Arg structs and returns them as a slice of strings.

Parameters: - args: A slice of Arg structs from which the names will be extracted.

Returns: - A slice of strings containing the names of the provided Arg structs.


FlagsTail takes a slice of Flag structs and returns a slice of strings containing the names of those flags.

Parameters: flags []Flag: A slice of Flag structs.

Returns: []string: A slice of strings containing the names of the flags.


FlagsWithNamesTail takes a slice of Flag structs and returns a slice of strings, where each string is a formatted pair of the flag's name and value in the form "name=value".

Parameters: flags []Flag - A slice of Flag structs, each containing a Name and a Value.

Returns: []string - A slice of strings, each representing a flag's name and value pair.


HasSubsequence checks if the given subsequence of strings (subSeq) is present in the tail of the provided arguments (args).

Parameters: - args: A slice of Arg representing the arguments to be checked. - subSeq: A slice of strings representing the subsequence to look for.

Returns: - bool: True if the subsequence is found in the tail of the arguments, false otherwise.


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